Achinth - Sports , Fitness and Social Skills

Vision - To kindle the interest of participants in fitness and sports as well as build group skills and social skills using art,music , movement and drama.
Program Objectives

Program Objectives

  • Improving Play skills – Outdoor and Indoor play  and Fitness  levels 
  • Participants  learn Group skills like following group instructions , Imitation and Joint attention 
  • Participants  learn social interaction skills like initiating and maintaining  contact ,turn taking and  communication 
  • Helping the participant  with behavior regulation and learning Socially appropriate behaviors
Program Features

Program Features

  • Sports , Movement , Art ,Music and Drama techniques  are used  to help achieve objectives 
  • 45 minute ,1-1 sessions  for specific skill development  , Group sessions twice a week 
  • Add on program -  complements other interventions  
  • Summer camps focusing on these areas every year in April – May [one month duration]


  • Improved engagement levels , communication and fitness in all our students  at home and school .
  • Students able to perform better in group situations outside like classroom , play , group  classes
  • Students able to behave better in social situations and Public places